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To become a PRO-FIT Curacao member you need to agree with our Terms & Conditions and house rules. All of the membership rules contained herein apply equally to members, temporary members and guests alike. The Terms & Conditions are in English, the House Rules has its origin in Dutch, and please scroll down for the English version.



These terms and conditions (“T&Cs”) apply to all membership agreements entered into between PRO-FIT Curaçao - Health & Martial Arts N.V. (“Pro-Fit”) and its members. These T&Cs, the registration form, and the House Rules constitute the entire membership agreement between Pro-Fit and its members.




Article 1: Prospective members can become a member of Pro-Fit by completing the registration form and returning it to an employee of Pro-Fit. The membership with Pro-fit commences on the date filled in on the registration form. If no date has been filled in on the registration form, the membership will commence on the date on which the registration form is received by the employee of Pro-Fit.


Article 2: Members must pay a registration fee at the time of registration, if applicable. The amount of this registration fee may vary from time to time and will be detailed on the website of Pro-Fit Curacao - Membership Pricing. Restitution of the registration fee will not be possible. Prospective members who are on holiday in Curaçao are exempted from paying a registration fee, provided that they reside in Curaçao for no more than one month.


Article 3: Membership of Pro-Fit can commence at any time, and the membership will be at least for an initial term of one month (“Initial Term”).  Membership will automatically be renewed on a rolling monthly basis (subsequent term) for an indefinite period after the Initial Term or by the same term initially agreed upon if the agreed term is longer than the Initial Term, unless and until the membership is terminated in accordance with articles 24 through 26.


Article 4: Notwithstanding article 3, prospective members who are on holiday in Curaçao have the option to enter into an agreement for a shorter period than the Initial Term. Such membership will terminate automatically after the agreed term.


Article 5: In the event that a prospective member is 16 years or younger, a parent or guardian of the prospective member must co-sign the registration form of the prospective member. The parent or guardian will be responsible for meeting the payment obligations of the membership of the prospective member. The parent or guardian of the prospective member shall provide the payment details necessary to pay the registration and membership fee of the prospective member.


Article 6: Pro-Fit has the right to use the personal information provided on the registration form for the purpose of communicating with its members. The members will inform Pro-Fit of any changes in contact address, telephone number, e-mail address or change of bank details. The address provided will be used for the service of formal notices.


Payment Conditions


Article 7: Upon registration as a member with Pro-Fit, the membership fee, if any, will be immediately due by the member. Membership fees are due in advance and must be paid in cash, by debit card at the front desk or by wire transfer to MCB Bank N.V. Attn. PRO-FIT Curacao Health & Martial Arts N.V., Kaminda Elektrishen 19, Account # 320 88 500


Article 8: The membership fee due must be paid before the fifth (5th) of each month. If the amount due is not received before the fifth (5th) of the join month, a penalty will be charged with 10% of the membership fee due.


Article 9: If a member continues to be in default for a period of one month, the member may be excluded from taking part at the lessons. If the member continues to be in default for a period of two months, Pro-Fit may refer or assign the claim to a collection agency. All costs incurred by Pro-Fit in connection therewith shall be due by the member.


Article 10: Pro-Fit offers different membership packages to its members which will be detailed on the website of Pro-Fit. Pro-Fit reserves the right to change the membership packages and its membership prices. Members will be notified of any price change at least one month before it takes effect.


Article 11: Upon registration, the member will state on the registration form which membership package he/she desires. The member will be obligated to pay the membership fee that corresponds with the membership package of his/her choosing in accordance with article 8. Members are responsible for making sure that they choose the membership package that best suits their circumstances. Members who do not make use of the options offered by the membership package of their choosing will not receive a refund of their membership fees. However, Members have the option to downgrade their membership package in accordance with article 12.


Article 12: During the term of the membership, the member is allowed to upgrade his membership package and the membership fee due will be adjusted accordingly. The downgrading of a membership package is only possible at the end of the membership term.


Article 13: In the event of payment arrears, Pro-Fit has the right to rescind or terminate the agreement and the member shall be required to pay any amount due including any late payment or collection charges.


Use of (Kick)boxing Equipment


Article 14: Up until one month after the commencement of the membership, members are allowed to freely use the (kick)boxing material (boxing gloves, shin- and head protection) available at Pro-Fit. Pro-Fit cannot guarantee that the material provided is in good condition.


Article 15: After the period of one month after the commencement of the membership, members may only use the (kick)boxing material against a rental fee of NAf. 7,50 per month which is subject to the payment conditions set out in article 8.


Article 16: If a member is in default of paying the rental fee, Pro-Fit may, up to its own discretion, deny a member usage of the boxing material or exclude a member from taking part at the lessons.


Article 17: If a member buys his own equipment during a month in which he used the (kick)boxing material, the rental fee will not be refunded.


House Rules


Article 18: The house rules of Pro-Fit ( the “House Rules”) are detailed on the website of Pro-Fit and can also be obtained at the dojo. Members must act in accordance with the House Rules at all times and are required to be familiar with the House Rules no later than the start of the first lesson.


Article 19: Pro-Fit has the right to amend the House Rules and such amendment will take effect immediately and apply to all members after publication on the website of Pro-Fit.


Article 20: Pro-Fit reserves the right to terminate a membership at its own discretion, if a member commits serious or repeated breaches of the House Rules or displays any other form of unacceptable behaviour. No refunds of membership fees will be given if a membership is terminated on such grounds.


Limitation of Liability


Article 21: The Member is fully aware, acknowledges and accepts the risks and dangers which are involved in participating in the classes at Pro-Fit. More specifically, the Member is fully aware, acknowledges and accepts that participating in the classes of Pro-Fit may involve violent physical contact which may lead to bodily injury, including but not limited to, serious injuries to bones, joints, muscles and/or (internal) organs, serious neck and spinal injuries, partial or complete paralysis, brain damage, and even death, The Member is fully aware, acknowledges and accepts such dangers and risks and shall not hold Pro-Fit accountable for any and all damage suffered, including but not limited to, property damage, personal injury or death.


Article 22: This limitation of liability clause is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by Curacao law. In any and all cases, the liability of Pro-Fit shall be limited to the insured sum (de verzekerde som) of Pro-Fit’s health insurance. If any part of this limitation clause shall be deemed to be invalid, the remainder of the clause will continue in full legal force an effect.




Article 23: The Member is fully aware and agrees that Pro-Fit may take photos and videos of its Members and publish such media on its website, Facebook page or other media. The media is and will remain the property of Pro-Fit. In any and cases, Pro-Fit is not liable for any issues relating to copyright or portrait right.


Cancellation of the Membership


Article 24: Members can cancel their membership by sending a written notice of termination to Pro-Fit.  Cancellation of membership can only take place at the end of each month, with due observance of a notice period of at least one month.


Article 25: The cancellation of the membership will be effective at the end of the Initial Term, the subsequent term or the term agreed upon on the registration form.


Article 26: If a member cancels within the term of a membership, the outstanding payments for the remainder of the term will still be due and no refund will be given for fees already paid.




Article 27: Pro-Fit reserves the right to amend these T&Cs at all times. The amended T&Cs shall also apply to existing members provided that Pro-Fit notifies these members of the amendments in writing at least one month before the amended T&Cs take effect.


Article 28: If Pro-Fit does not exercise any of its rights or remedies under these T&Cs, it will not mean that Pro-Fit has waived such rights or remedies and will not mean that members do not have to comply with those obligations. If Pro-Fit does waive a default by a member, it will not mean that Pro-Fit will automatically waive any subsequent default by such member or that such waiver will apply to any other member. No waiver by Pro-Fit of any of these T&Cs shall be effective until Pro-Fit expressly states so in writing.


Governing Law and Jurisdiction


Article 29: These T&Cs shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Curaçao. Any and all disputes which may arise from or in connection with these T&Cs shall be submitted to the competent Court in Curaçao.


Huisregels PRO-FIT Curacao – Health & Martial Arts

Versie Januari 2016



A. Algemeen

  1. Elk lid heeft recht op deelname van wedstrijden na overleg van trainer en lid of bij jeugd met de ouders van het lid. Indien men na negatief advies van trainer toch wil deelnemen is de vereniging niet verantwoordelijk voor mogelijke ongevallen. Deelname aan wedstrijden is geen plicht;

  2. De kledij dient schoon te zijn en de club ontleent het recht om type kleding te verbieden;

  3. Het dragen van sieraden/ piercings en kledij met ritssluitingen of zakken is verboden;

  4. Teennagels dienen kort gehouden worden;

  5. Het dragen van schoeisel is toegestaan in het geval van boksen, maar het schoeisel wordt niet buiten gedragen.

  6. Het dragen van bescherming is verplicht tijdens de training en wedstrijden. Tijdens training zijn dat handschoenen, voetbeschermers en scheenbeschermers. Tijdens sparring zijn dat alle voorgaande en mondstuk, kruisbescherming en helm;

  7. Elk nieuw kandidaat lid kan tegen het op dat moment geldende proefgeld tarief een training meedoen. Indien van toepassing zal dit bedrag verrekend worden zodra hij/ zij overgaat tot een (maand) abonnement.

  8. De vereniging stelt als doel om op competitie gebied zo hoog mogelijk (internationaal) te scoren maar steeds op vriendschappelijke en medische verantwoorde manier;

  9. Kledij op wedstrijden kunnen worden voorgeschreven en extra kosten kunnen daarmee gepaard gaan.

  10. Mocht er geen trainer aanwezig zijn, dan voer je zelfstanding je warming-up uit.

  11. Leden dienen op tijd te komen.

  12. Elk lid moet in het bezit zijn van zijn/ haar eigen uitrusting, behalve diegene die een proefles meedoet.

  13. PRO-FIT Curacao – Health & Martial Arts is onafhankelijk, maar kan haar diensten verlenen aan derden buiten de Dojo.


B. Examens (optioneel)

  1. Elk lid heeft recht op deelname aan de examens indien de bepaalde termijn en aantal trainingen verstreken zijn na overleg van de betrokken trainers;

  2. Het examen programma (indien van toepassing) wordt bij betaling van het lidgeld en extra kosten band (of iets dergelijks) verstrekt aan het lid;

  3. Bij slagen van het examen wordt een diploma en een bijhorende band (of iets dergelijks) overhandigd;

  4. Deelname aan examens is gratis;

  5. De examens vinden 2 maal per jaar plaats in de maand mei en november. Aansluiting na 1 februari en 1 augustus houden in dat er niet mag worden deelgenomen aan het eerst volgende examen;

  6. Bovenstaande kan van tijd tot tijd worden aangepast.


C. Discipline en Schorsingen 

  1. Discipline: het lid dient zich op gepaste wijze te gedragen in én buiten de vereniging elke vorm van agressiviteit is verboden en kan bestraft worden door verbanning uit de vereniging zonder recht op teruggave van het betaalde lidgeld;

  2. De vereniging houdt zich het recht om leden te weigeren op basis van een agressieve achtergrond of strafblad;

  3. Elk lid dient rekening te houden met de andere leden in dien verstande dat op training enkel licht contact toegestaan is met uitzondering van competitietraining na onderlinge toestemming van de 2 partners en de trainer. Tijdens wedstrijden mag en zal er wel hard contact toegepast worden;

  4. Elk lid dient te allen tijde respect te tonen voor de trainers en de andere leden zowel binnen als buiten de vereniging;

  5. De lessen worden niet onderbroken in geval van onenigheid. Onenigheden worden uitgesproken na de training.

  6. Drugsgebruik is strict verboden en leidt automatisch tot uitsluiting;

  7. Het is verboden deel te nemen aan de training indien alcoholgebruik word vastgesteld voor de training;

  8. Het niet naleven van het huisreglement kan leiden tot schorsing.

  9. Elk lid dient de accomodatie en omgeving netjes te behandelen.


 D. Verzekering en Lidgeld 

  1. Inschrijving dient samen te gaan met het tonen van een ID en er zal een foto gemaakt worden voor administratie (optioneel);

  2. Men is lid tot het moment het management een schriftelijke opzegging heeft ontvangen en totdat alle betalingsverplichtingen zijn voldaan;

  3. Het inschrijf document moet door het betreffende lid correct ingevuld worden en ondertekend en indien het lid minderjarig is ook door één van de ouders of voogd. Ter kennisgeving van school met handtekening kan opgeeist worden;

  4. Het lid verklaard bij inschrijving in gezonde staat te zijn om mee te kunnen doen aan de trainingen;

  5. Lidgeld dient maandelijks vooraf betaald te worden voor of op de eerste werkdag van de maand.  Bij voorkeur worden de betalingen per kwartaal, half of heel jaar ontvangen. 

  6. Lidgeld kan elk moment van het jaar worden aangepast door het management.

  7. Het lidgeld op de website dient als de op dat moment geldende tarieven voor per maand.

  8. PRO-FIT Curacao – Health & Martial Arts noch de trainers kunnen aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor lichamelijk letsel of de gevolgen van ongevallen of materiële schade tijdens de trainingen en in en om de Dojo.

  9. Het deelnemen aan de trainingen is geheel voor eigen risico.

  10. Elk lid dient een geldende ziektekostenverzekering te hebben, bij geen ziektekostenverzekering wordt men uitgesloten van training.

  11. Bij vroegtijdig verlaten van de vereniging kan slechts na overleg van de raad van bestuur een deel van het lidgeld teruggevorderd worden. Dit kan enkel als het lid een gegronde reden kan opgeven zoals bijvoorbeeld ziekte, verhuis en indien dit kan gestaafd worden met de nodige bewijsstukken.

  12. Het lidmaatschap kan worden opgezegd met een maand opzegtermijn. Tot die tijd dient het abonnement maandelijks betaald te worden.



House Rules PRO-FIT Curacao – Health & Martial Arts

Version January 2016


A. General

  1. Each member shall have the right to participate in competitions, but only after consultation with trainer and member or in case of youth with the parent of the member. Participation in competitions is not a requirement;

  2. The clothing must be clean and the club derives the right to prohibit any type of clothing;

  3. Wearing jewelry / piercings and clothing with zippers or pockets is prohibited;

  4. Toenails should be kept short;

  5. Wearing footwear is permitted in the case of boxing, but the footwear is not used outside on the streets;

  6. Wearing protection is required during training and competitions. During training that means gloves, foot protectors and shin guards.  During sparring it should also include mouthpiece, groin protection and helmet (optional);

  7. Each new candidate member can join a training session against a try-out fee what is applicable at that time.  If applicable the amount will be settled with the (monthly) fee as soon as the person decided to become a member;

  8. The association aims to have the best (international) results as possible on competitions, but always friendly and medical responsible manner;

  9. Competition clothing/ equipment can be prescribed and additional costs may incur;

  10. If there is no instructor present , you start your own warming up;

  11. Members must be on time;

  12. Each member must be in possession of his / her own equipment, except those for a try-out lesson.

  13. PRO-FITCuracao -. Health & Martial Arts is independent, but they can provide training to third parties outside the Dojo.


B. Exams (optional)

  1. Each member is entitled to participate in the exams if the period, number of training are sufficient and/ or after consultation of the trainers involved;

  2. The exam program (if applicable can be earned as soon as the payment of the membership fee and additional costs for the belt (or something similar) are paid;

  3. Upon success of the examinations, a diploma and the corresponding belt (or something similar) will be handed over;

  4. Participation in exams is free;

  5. The exams are two times a year in May and November. Joining after February 1 and August 1 mean no participation in the first upcoming exam;

  6. The above is subject to change from time to time.


C. Discipline and Suspensions

  1. Discipline: The member should behave in and outside the club appropriately, any form of aggression is prohibited and may result in exclusion from the club without a refund of the membership fee paid;

  2. The club reserves the right to refuse a member on basis of an aggressive criminal background;

  3. Each member shall take care of other members and knows that light contact only is allowed on training with the exception of competition training after mutual consent of the two members and the trainer. During competitions full & hard contact is allowed;

  4. Each member must respect the coaches and other members both inside and outside the club at all times respect;

  5. Classes will not be interrupted in the event of disagreement. Disagreements are discussed after training;

  6. Drug use is strictly prohibited and leads automatically to exclusion from the club;

  7. It is forbidden to take part in the training if alcohol use is determined;

  8. Failure to comply with the house rules may result in suspension;

  9. Each member shall respect accommodation and environment.


 D. Insurance and Membership

  1. An application must be accompanied by showing an ID and a picture will be taken for administration purposes (optional);

  2. You are a member until managed has received membership cancellation in writing (one month notice period) and all payment obligations have been fulfilled;

  3. The application document must be correct and complete with a signature by the member and in case of a minor by a parent or guardian. Acknowledgment of school with schools signature can be required;

  4. The member declares to be in a healthy condition in order to participate;

  5. The monthly membership fee needs to be paid upfront, before or on the first business day of a new month. Quarterly, semiannually or annually payments are preferred;

  6. Membership fee can be adjusted any time of the year by the Management;

  7. The fee on the website serves as the current rates for each month;

  8. PRO-FIT Curacao - Health & Martial Arts nor the trainers can be held liable for injuries or consequences of accidents or damage of goods during training and in or around the Dojo;

  9. Participation in the training is at your own risk;

  10. Each member must have valid health insurance if no health insurance could be showed the member will be excluded from training;

  11. Early leave from the club is only possible at the knowledge of the Board and only a part of the contribution can be reimbursed. This is only possible if the member can give a valid reason such as illness, moving, and if it can be substantiated.

  12. Member cancellation has one month notice period. Until that time monthly fee payments apply.


Note: The Dutch house rules are binding and this English translation is for reference purposes only and not a legally definitive translation of the original Dutch texts.

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Mon:      06:00 - 11:00 & 15:00-20:45

Tue:       06:00 - 11:00 & 15:00-20:45

Wed:     06:00 - 11:00 & 15:00-20:45

Thur:     06:00 - 11:00 & 15:00-20:45

Fri:         06:00 - 11:00 & 15:00-19:30

Sat:        08:00 - 13:00

MCB BANK     320 88 500


  Kaminda Elektrishen 19,


  Willemstad, Curacao


 +5999 520 2445 | +5999 461 0358

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